Yes, I can help guide you on your grief journey. However, I didn’t wake up as a young child and decide that I wanted to help others through grief. It chose me. If I were given a multiple-choice exam, I would not have selected grief and loss in its many forms for the sake of helping others. For me, it has definitely been a faith walk.
What Matters To Me
I am committed to assisting women who are serious about rethinking, retweaking, and revamping their lives beyond loss and trauma. During seasons of loss, you often feel misunderstood in spite of all the support from those who love you. The reality is that our culture sees grief as a time-span where you must rush to the finish line. If you don’t appear to be back to normal, or speak about the loss too often, the analysis is that, “you’re going crazy” because you should be over it by now. My goal is to dispel the myths about grief and provide supportive guidance through self-discovery coupled with heart work and take away actions.
It'sNice To Meet You!
“Loss is universal, grief is very personal, but no one should grieve alone."
My Story of Life After Loss
Like you, I have experienced loss in many areas of my life. For most of us, the death of family and friends prove to be the most traumatic. When there are out-of-order deaths or unexpected life changing events lives are changed in an instant. I am married with 2 beautiful earthly children and 1 heavenly angel. However, as an only child, the death of my mother and unborn child proved to be the most difficult deaths to navigate. During those times, the life that I expected and lived disappeared. In many instances I continued to replay the chain of events over and over, expecting a different outcome.
After the death of my daughter in 2007 and my Mother in 2014, I began looking for ways to care for my broken heart. Along the way, my degree in counseling psychology served as a companion to my faith. In the midst of it all, I knew that helping other grievers would play an important role on my path to finding my "new normal". Grief is exhausting, heartbreaking and rearranges your world while everyone around you returns to their normal lives. There's no easy way around grief. The pain doesn't go away by pretending it doesn't exist.
As a 20 year Human Resources professional, International Speaker, Author, Life Transition Coach and Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist ®, I believe in transforming lives from the inside out. More importantly, I am a griever. I teach that grief is a normal and natural reaction to a loss of any kind. Yet, we were never taught how to grieve or move inside death or loss. We are taught how to acquire things and build relationships but, we aren't taught what to do when we lose them.